
Welcome to my blog, with news of my wellbeing practice in Suffolk. Also my exercise classes and cooking workshops, some views on events and happenings locally and abroad....and more.....
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Trish Dent

Tuesday 2 February 2016

Secrets of a long healthy life

Researchers looking at why the people of Okinawa (a Japanese Prefecture) live long, healthy lives put it down to 5 key factors:
  1. A diet of mainly vegetables, grains and fish
  2. Low stress lifestyle
  3. A close and caring community
  4. High level of physical activity, including a later retirement age and active hobbies
  5. A sense of purpose, including a spiritual belief

Submit your email to this page and you'll automatically receive news of my Healthy Living cooking classes which begin this Spring. Topics will include:
  • Fermentation to boost your gut bacteria, vitality and overall health
  • Gluten and dairy-free cooking share
  • Guilt-free desserts (yes, they're still yummy!)
If you need to address your stress, try Shiatsu or massage as a starting point
If you'd like to improve your activity levels, try my regular class in Theberton or contact me for one-to-one yoga.